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psycho-physical workshops
for a holistic education

I intervene at schools by coordinating verbal and physical spaces forrespectful, creative and fun discovery and sharing of our intra and interpersonal aspects.

Despite the informatic and neuroscientific innovations and the social and environmental changes of the last decades, Education continues to be exclusively intellectual, verticalist and not really adapted to our singularities and our potentials.

currently in
collaboration with

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From my spontaneous series IDEAS SEMILLA (video nº13, in Spanish): the body seen, the body felt

What we call Physical Education is often still conceived as a set of competitive, repetitive and mechanical exercises of military origin, divided by gender and imposed in a homogenous way to diverse individuals.


It is a way of educating in obedience, de-sensitivisation and disconnection between the body and the psyche. The effects on the generations who have experienced it and continue to go through this: inability to understand our own experiences, needs and emotions; insecurity and lack of self-awareness; difficulty in setting boundaries; perpetuation of poor relationships in their quality of communication and emotional responsibility; tendency to become excessively dependent on the mind (and the ungrounded mind is a dangerous instrument: if we lose contact with the primary matter of our direct experience - intuitions, sensations and emotions - the mind deforms, overcompensates, symbolizes in a distorted way, enters 'defense' mode, makes us untrustworthy for ourselves and therefore susceptible to inauthentic and irresponsible experiences).


School dedicates many hours a week to learning about different aspects of the world. It is just beginning, through organizations such as the ones I work for, to provide some spaces for learning about ourselves: How do we function internally? What are our needs, our abilities, our resources for development? Why do we experience certain conflicts? Why are emotionality and play key elements in learning? How can we learn to love ourselves and build the world we want to create? 


Everything we learn is through the filter of our psycho-physical singularity and our states moment to moment.  And everything we experience in life is through the body. This is why I offer workshops   dedicated to the integration of various aspects of the human being and the promotion of psycho-physical education through expressive and proprioceptive experiences.

We consciously inhabit the body, we experience the link between emotions and movement as authentic and meaningful expressions, we nurture connection and communication outside of competitive dynamics, we deepen sexual and affective education, we actualize our body image, we reinforce empathy, creativity, and intelligences such as intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinetic, special and sensory.

From my spontaneous series IDEAS SEMILLA (video nº27, in Spanish): your feelings are sacred

From my spontaneous series IDEAS SEMILLA (video nº12, in Spanish): the lack of meaning in education

a toy to celebrate and teach diversity

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